In this article, we discuss the terms actual and formal. These terms show up in the Language Reference Manual of VHDL and (System)Verilog, and they also show up in some of the error messages in Sigasi Visual HDL. Actuals and formals are short for actual and formal arguments of functions, procedures, entities, modules…
A formal is an argument in the definition of a function, procedure, entity, module etc. In other words, a formal is a port, a generic or a parameter.
package func is
function my_function(
arg1 : natural; -- `arg1` and `arg2` are formals
arg2 : natural
) return natural;
end package func;
entity enti is
aa : integer := 2; -- `aa` and `bb` are formals
bb : natural := 1
clk : in std_logic; -- `clk`, `rst` and `foo` are formals
rst : in std_logic;
foo : out std_logic
end entity enti;
An actual is the value which is assigned to a formal e.g. in a
function or procedure call, or in a module or entity
instantiation. An actual can be an identifier (signal,
variable…), an expression, or a special keyword like open
in VHDL.
architecture RTL of insta is
signal val1, val2 : natural;
constant c1 : natural := 5;
constant c2 : natural := 7;
begin -- `arg1` and `arg2` are formals
val1 <= my_function( c1, c2 - c1); -- `c1` and `(c2 - c1)` are actuals
val2 <= my_function(arg1 => 1, arg2 => val1 + c1); -- `1` and `(val1 + c1)` are actuals
enti_inst : entity work.enti
generic map(
aa => val2, -- `aa` and `bb` are formals
bb => val1 - 3 -- `val2` and `(val1 - 3)` are actuals
port map(
clk => clock, -- `clk`, `rst` and `foo` are formals
rst => reset, -- `clock`, `reset` and `open` are actuals
foo => open
end architecture RTL;
In Sigasi Visual HDL, the terms formal and actual are used in a
number of warning and error messages. Here are some examples,
in which a module demo
with 4 ports (formals) is instantiated a few
times. Each instantiation demonstrates one particular error involving
formals and/or actuals.
module demo( input clk, input rst, input int data, output int rslt ); endmodule module top ( input clk, input rst, input int topdata, output int rslt1, rslt2, rslt3, rslt4 ); demo demo_instance1 ( // Too many actual ports: there are 5 actuals for 4 formals clk, rst, topdata, topdata, // Unintended duplication? rslt1 ); demo demo_instance2 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .data(topdata+1), .data(topdata+2), // Duplicate formal port `data` used in the instantiation statement .rslt(rslt2) ); demo demo_instance3 ( // Missing actual for formal port `rslt` .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .data(topdata) // Where is the value for `rslt`? ); demo demo_instance4 ( .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .data(topdata), .foo(rslt3), // Formal port `foo` not found in the instantiated unit .rslt(rslt4) ); endmodule
If you encounter any of these messages, you now know what they actually tell you.
See also
- Case statements in VHDL and (System)Verilog (blog post)
- Wildcards in sensitivity lists in VHDL and Verilog (blog post)
- Sigasi's Software Development Kit Part 2 (legacy)
- Sigasi's Software Development Kit Part 1 (legacy)
- Prefix all signals in an instantiation (legacy)