Quick Fix for Third-Party Libraries

If you are using vendor libraries from Intel or AMD/Xilinx (ISE or Vivado), you do not need to set up these libraries by hand. Sigasi Studio has a Quick Fix to do this for you. The missing library will be added to the Common Libraries of your project.

The library statement that tries to import a missing library (like altera) will have a yellow warning marker next to it. Click this marker and select Configure library altera (Altera). If the path to your Intel Quartus (or AMD/Xilinx ISE or Vivado) installation is not yet set, Sigasi Studio will ask to set the path now. You can always change these paths in Window > Preferences > Sigasi > Toolchains.

Note that for the AMD/Xilinx libraries we only map the packages with the component declarations. By default, all entity and architecture declarations are not mapped (excluded). This significantly reduces the time for a clean build. If you use direct entity instantiations, you can easily map the entities you need. See also Choose your version of the Vivado unisim.VCOMPONENTS package.

Note:: this Quick Fix is not yet available in Sigasi Studio for VS Code.

Rule configuration

This rule can be disabled for your project, or its severity and parameters can be modified in the project linting settings. Alternatively, it can be manually configured with the following template:
