- Up to date as of Fri Mar 19 2004.
- module
- statement_list
- statement_list
- statements
- statements
- statement
| statements ; statement - statement
- package_statement
| struct_statement
| extend_struct_statement
| type_statement
| extend_type_statement
| routine_statement
| simulator_statement
| unit_statement
| sequence_statement
| method_type_statement
| c_export_statement - package_statement
- package id
- struct_statement
- package_or_null struct id like_opt { struct_member_list }
- like_opt
- [ like id ]
- extend_struct_statement
- extend struct_type { struct_member_list }
- type_statement
- package_or_null type id : scalar_type
- extend_type_statement
- extend id : [ enum_item_list ]
- routine_statement
- package_or_null routine id ( parameter_list ) type_opt routine_name_opt
- routine_name_opt
- [ is c routine id ]
- last_semi_opt
- [ ; ]
- c_export_statement
- c export id c_export_opt
- c_export_opt
- [ . id ( ) ]
- package_or_null
- [ package ]
- encap
- [ package | private | protected ]
- sequence_statement
- package_or_null sequence id sequence_opt
- sequence_opt
- [ using seq_name_pair_list ]
- seq_name_pair_list
- seq_name_pair
| seq_name_pair_list , seq_name_pair - seq_name_pair
- id = struct_type
- method_type_statement
- package_or_null method type id ( parameter_list ) opt_return opt_event
- opt_return
- [ : type ]
- opt_event
- [ @ event ]
- struct_member_list
- struct_members
- struct_members
- struct_member
| more_struct_members struct_member - struct_member
- [ field_declaration | method_declaration | subtype_declaration | constraint_declaration | coverage_declaration | temporal_declaration | simulator_member | attribute | cvl_declaration ]
- field_declaration
- encap id field_type_specifier opt_instance
| encap field_property id field_type_specifier opt_instance - field_property
- !
| %
| ! %
| % ! - field_type_specifier
- [ [ expr ] : list_type | : type ]
- method_declaration
- encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt method_specifier action_block
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt is empty
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt is undefined
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt is c routine id
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt @ event method_specifier action_block
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt @ event is empty
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt @ event is undefined
| encap method_name ( parameter_list ) type_opt method_specifier foreign_opt dynamic c routine libname_opt - method_name
- method_id
- parameter_list
- [ parameters ]
- parameters
- parameter
| parameters , - parameter
- id
| id : type
| id : * type - type_opt
- [ : type ]
- method_specifier
- member_specifier
| is inline
| is inline only - foreign_opt
- [ foreign ]
- member_specifier
- is
| is also
| is first
| is only - libname_opt
- [ id : | id | id : id ]
- subtype_declaration
- encap when struct_subtype { struct_member_list }
- constraint_declaration
- keep constraint_spec
- list_of_constraint_spec_or_null
- [ list_of_constraint_spec last_semi_opt ]
- list_of_constraint_spec
- constraint_spec
| list_of_constraint_spec ; constraint_spec - constraint_spec
- constraint_expr gen before subtypes ( field_list ) reset gen before subtypes ( )
- field_list
- id field_list , id
- attribute
- attribute id id = attribute_expr
- attribute_expr
- id
- unit_statement
- package_or_null unit id like_unit_opt { struct_member_list }
- like_unit_opt
- [ like id ]
- opt_instance
- [ is instance ]
- cvl_declaration
- cvl_method
| cvl_call
| cvl_callback - cvl_method
- cvl method opt_async method_name ( parameter_list ) opt_event cvl_routine
- cvl_call
- cvl call opt_async method_name ( parameter_list ) opt_event cvl_routine
- cvl_callback
- cvl callback opt_async method_name ( parameter_list ) opt_event cvl_routine
- opt_async
- [ async ]
- cvl_routine
- [ is c routine target_struct ]
- target_struct
- id
| id . id - hdl_path
- ' hdl_pathname'
- simulator_statement
- simulator_member
| simulator_restricted_member - simulator_member
- verilog simulator id
| vhdl simulator id
| verilog task hdl_path ( vtask_parameter_list )
| verilog function hdl_path ( vfunc_parameters ) v_size_opt
| verilog variable hdl_path options_opt
| verilog code expr
| vhdl code { verilog_command_list last_semi_opt }
| vhdl procedure hdl_path options_opt
| vhdl function ' id ' options_opt
| vhdl driver hdl_path options_opt
| vhdl object hdl_path - simulator_restricted_member
- verilog time verilog_timescale
| vhdl time vhdl_timescale - verilog_command_list
- verilog_command
| verilog_command_list ; verilog_command - verilog_command
- vtask_parameter_list
- [ vtask_parameters ]
- vtask_parameters
- vtask_parameter
| vtask_parameters , vtask_parameter - vtask_parameter
- id : expr vtask_parameter_options_opt
- vtask_parameter_options_opt
- [ : vtask_io ]
- vtask_io
- in
| id
| inout - vfunc_parameters
- [ vfunc_parameter_list ]
- vfunc_parameter_list
- vfunc_parameter
| vfunc_parameter_list , vfunc_parameter - vfunc_parameter
- id v_size_opt
- v_size_opt
- [ : expr ]
- verilog_action
- force hdl_path = force_rhs
| release hdl_path - force_rhs
- expr
| verilog_literal - verilog_timescale
- vhdl_timescale
- action_block
- { action_list }
- action_list
- actions
- actions
- action
| actions ; action - action
- e_action
- e_action
- [ var_action | assign_action | conditional_action | iterative_action | method_call_action | start_tcm_action | compute_action | return_action | try_action | check_action | gen_action | emit_action | time_consuming_action | print_action | verilog_action | debug_action | dut_error_action | do_seq_action | action_block ]
- var_action
- var id type_opt init_opt
| var id := expr - init_opt
- [ = expr ]
- conditional_action
- break
| continue
| if_action
| case_action - if_action
- if expr then_opt action_block else_part_opt
- then_opt
- [ then ]
- else_part_opt
- [ else action_block | else if_action ]
- case_action
- case { case_list }
| case binary_expr { case_list } - case_list
- cases last_semi_opt
- cases
- case
| cases ; case - case
- expr colon_opt action_block
| default - colon_opt
- [ : ]
- default
- default colon_opt action_block
- iterative_action
- repeat do_opt action_block until expr
| while expr do_opt action_block
| for id from expr up_down binary_expr step_opt do_opt action_block
| for { action ; expr ; action } do_opt action_block
| for each iterated_type_opt itemname_opt indexname_opt in expr do_opt action_block
| for each iterated_type_opt itemname_opt indexname_opt in reverse expr do_opt action_block
| for each file itemname_opt matching expr do_opt action_block
| for each line itemname_opt in file expr do_opt action_block - up_down
- to
| down to - iterated_type_opt
- [ struct_type | enumerated_type ]
- itemname_opt
- [ ( id ) ]
- indexname_opt
- [ using index ( id ) ]
- do_opt
- [ do ]
- step_opt
- [ step expr ]
- try_action
- try action_block else_try_opt
- else_try_opt
- [ else action_block ]
- check_action
- check name_opt that_opt expr opt_block dut_error_opt
| assert expr else_error_opt - name_opt
- [ < id > ]
- that_opt
- [ that ]
- dut_error_opt
- [ else dut_error ( argument_list ) opt_block ]
- dut_error
- dut error
| dut errorf - else_error_opt
- [ else error ( exprs ) ]
- method_call_action
- method_invocation
| method_port_invocation - action_opt
- action_block
| with_opt - expr_or_default
- expr
| default - opt_config_param
- [ , exprs ]
- compute_action
- compute expr
- return_action
- return expr_opt
- assign_action
- Ival_expr assign_operator expr
- assign_operator
- = +=
| -=
| *=
| /= %=
| <<=
| >>=
| &=
| ^=
| l=
| and=
| or=
| <=
| &&=
| ||= - gen_action
- gen reduced_gen_action_item itemname_opt keeping_opt
| gen qualified_id itemname_opt keeping_opt - keeping_opt
- [ keeping { constraint_list } ]
- print_action
- print exprs options_opt
- do_seq_action
- do when_qualified_id itemname_opt keeping_opt
- debug_action
- message ( argument_list ) opt_block
| messagef ( argument_list ) opt_block - dut_error_action
- dut error ( argument_list ) opt_block
| dut errorf ( argument_list ) opt_block - opt_block
- [ action_block when qualified ]
- id
- id
| struct_qualifier when_qualified_id - qualified_id
- path_id
| struct_qualifier qualified_id - path_id
- id
| id [ expr ]
| me
| path_id . id
| path_id . id [ expr ]
| path_id . as_a ( type ) - reduced_gen_action_item
- . id
| . id [ expr ]
| reduced_gen_action_item . id
| reduced_gen_action_item . id [ expr ]
| reduced_gen_action_item . as_a ( type ) - coverage_declaration
- cover id opt_cov_field coverage_group_option
- coverage_group_option
- options_opt member_specifier { cover_item_list }
| is empty
| using also options opt_cover_item_list - cover_item_list
- [ cover_items last_semi_opt ]
- opt_cover_item_list
- [ is also { cover_item_list } ]
- cover_items
- cover_item
| cover_items ; cover_item - cover_item
- item id item_options_opt
| item id : type = expr options_opt
| transition id item_options_opt
| cross item_name_list item_options_opt - item_name_list
- id
| item_name_list , id - opt_cov_field
- [ ( expr ) ]
- item_options_opt
- [ using options | using also options ]
- temporal_declaration
- encap event id event_option
| on id opt_defer do_opt action_block
| encap expect_declaration - opt_defer
- [ $ ]
- event_option
- [ is temporal_expr | is only temporal_expr ]
- expect_declaration
- expect id
| expect temporal_expr dut_error_opt
| expect id expect_specifier temporal_expr dut_error_opt
| assume id
| assume temporal_expr dut_error_opt
| assume id expect_specifier temporal_expr dut_error_opt - expect_specifier
- is
| is only - emit_action
- emit event
- start_tcm_action
- [ start method_invocation | start method_port_invocation ]
- time_consuming_action
- all of action_block
| first of action_block
| wait
| wait until_opt temporal_expr
| sync
| sync temporal_expr
| state machine expr until_state_opt { transition_list } - until_opt
- [ until ]
- until_state_opt
- [ until id ]
- transition_list
- last_semi_opt
| transitions last_semi_opt - transitions
- transition
| transitions ; transition - transition
- id => id action_block
| * => id action_block
| id action_block - event
- id
| field_access
| primitive_expr $ - temporal_expr
- temporal_inclusive_expression
| temporal_expr @ event - temporal_inclusive_expression
- temporal_or_expression
| temporal_inclusive_expression => temporal_or_expression - temporal_or_expression
- temporal_and_expression
| temporal_or_expression or temporal_and_expression - temporal_and_expression
- temporal_exec_expression
| temporal_and_expression and temporal_exec_expression - temporal_exec_expression
- temporal_sampling_expression
| temporal_sampling_expression exec action_block - temporal_sampling_expression
- temporal_eventual_expression
| temporal_eventual_expression @ - temporal_eventual_expression
- temporal_repeat_expr
| eventual temporal_repeat_expr
| not temporal_eventual_expression - temporal_repeat_expr
- temporal_unaryexpr
| [ range ] temporal_repeat_opt
| [ expr ] temporal_repeat_opt
| ~ [ range ] temporal_repeat_opt - temporal_primitive
- cycle
| detach ( temporal_expr )
| true ( expr )
| rise ( expr )
| fall ( expr )
| change ( expr )
| delay ( expr )
| ( temporal_expr )
| { temporal_sequence last_semi_opt }
| consume ( @ event ) - temporal_sequence
- temporal_expr
| temporal_sequence ; temporal_expr - temporal_repeat_opt
- [ * temporal_exec_expression ]
- temporal_unaryexpr
- temporal_primitive
| @ event
| fail temporal_unaryexpr ) - type
- non_port_type
| port_type - non_port_type
- regular_type
| list_type - regular_type
- scalar_type
| struct_subtype - scalar_type
- id
| enumerated_type
| scalar_type scalar_modifier - enumerated_type
- [ enum_item_list ]
- scalar_modifier
- [ ranges ]
| ( scalar_unit : expr )
| ( scalar_unit : * ) - enum_item_list
- [ enum_items ]
- enum_items
- enum_item
| enum_items , enum_item - enum_item
- id enum_num_opt
- enum_num_opt
- [ = expr ]
- scalar_unit
- bits
| bytes - struct_type
- id
| struct_subtype - struct_subtype
- struct_qualifier struct_type
- struct_qualifier
- id
| id ' id
| FALSE' id
| TRUE' id - list_type
- list of type
| list ( id : id ) of type - port_type
- io_type simple of non_port_type
| io_type buffer of non_port_type
| io_type event
| serve_client call of non_port_type
| io_type method of id - io_type
- [ id | in | inout ]
- serve_client
- id
- constraint_expr
- binary_expr
- select
- select { selection_list last_semi_opt }
- selection_list
- selection
| selection_list ; selection - selection
- expr : expr
- port_binding
- bind ( expr , port_bind_target port_constraint )
- port_bind_target
- expr
| UNDEFINED - port_constraint
- [ , { constraint_list } ]
- Ival_expr
- id
| field_access
| primitive_expr [ range_element ]
| hdl_path
| bit_extract
| bit_concat
| primitive_expr $ - primitive_expr
- lval_expr
| me
| literal
| ( binary_expr )
| new
| method_invocation
| method_port_invocation
| [ ranges ]
| cast
| select
| port_binding - new
- new
| new struct_type itemname_opt with_opt - with_opt
- [ with action_block ]
- field_access
- primitive_expr . when_field_access
| . when_field_access
| when_field_access_pair - when_field_access
- id
| when_field_access_pair - when_field_access_pair
- FALSE' id
| TRUE' id
| when_field_access ' id - bit_extract
- primitive_expr [ expr_opt : expr_opt slice_opt ]
- slice_opt
- [ : scalar_type ]
- bit_concat
- % { bit_elements }
- bit_elements
- expr
| bit_elements , expr - method_port_invocation
- primitive_expr $ ( argument_list )
- method_invocation
- primitive_expr . called_method_name ( argument_list )
| . called_method_name ( argument_list )
| id_or_special_method ( argument_list )
| hdl_path ( argument_list )
| all_values ( scalar_type )
| get all units ( struct_type )
| primitive_expr . get enclosing unit ( struct_type )
| get enclosing unit ( struct_type )
| primitive_expr . try enclosing unit ( struct_type )
| try enclosing unit ( struct_type )
| primitive_expr . seq_method ( type ) itemname_opt
| . seq_method ( type ) itemname_opt
| seq_method ( type ) itemname_opt - called_method_name
- method_name
- id_or_special_method
- method_id
- seq_method
- in sequence
| in unit - argument_list
- [ exprs ]
- cast
- primitive_expr . as_a ( type )
| . as_a ( type ) - ranges
- range_element
| ranges , range_element - range_element
- expr
| range - range
- expr_opt .. expr_opt
- list_elements_or_null
- [ list_elements last_semi_opt ]
- list_elements
- expr
| list_elements ; expr - unary_expr
- primitive_expr
| now @ event
| { list_elements_or_null }
| { list_elements_or_null } [ range_element ]
| { list_elements_or_null } . id ( argument_list )
| unary_operator unary_expr
| primitive_expr unary_post_operator
| Ival_expr time_unit
| literal time_unit
| constraint_for_each_expr
| text_expansion_exp
| << STRING_LITERAL - unary_operator
- not
| |
| &
| ^
| nor
| nand
| nxor
| +
| -
| ~
| ! - unary_post_operator
- is empty
| is not empty - binary_expr
- boolean_imp_expression
| boolean_imp_expression ? expr : expr - boolean_imp_expression
- logical_OR_expression
| boolean_imp_expression => logical_OR_expression - logical_OR_expression
- logical_AND_expression
| logical_OR_expression boolor_operator logical_AND_expression - boolor_operator
- ||
| or - logical_AND_expression
- inclusive_OR_expression
| logical_AND_expression booland_operator inclusive_OR_expression - booland_operator
- and
| && - inclusive_OR_expression
- exclusive_OR_expression
| inclusive_OR_expression | exclusive_OR_expression - exclusive_OR_expression
- AND_expression
| exclusive_OR_expression exclusive_operator AND_expression - exclusive_operator
- ^
| nxor - AND_expression
- in_expression
| AND_expression & in_expression - in_expression
- match_expression
| in_expression IN_operator match_expression - IN_operator
- in
| in range
| not in - match_expression
- relational_expression
| match_expression match_operator relational_expression - match_operator
- ~
| !~ - relational_expression
- member_expression
| relational_expression neq_operator relational_rhs
| verilog_literal neq_operator member_expression - relational_rhs
- member_expression
| verilog_literal - neq_operator
- ==
| !=
| verilog_operator - verilog_operator
- ===
| !== - member_expression
- equality_expression
| member_expression is a struct_type
| member_expression is a struct_type ( id )
| member_expression is not a struct_type - equality_expression
- soft_expression
| equality_expression eq_operator soft_expression - soft_expression
- shift_expression
| soft shift_expression - eq_operator
- <=
| >=:
| <
| > - shift_expression
- additive_expression
| shift_expression shift_operator additive_expression
| gen ( gen_item_list ) before ( gen_item_list ) - shift_operator
- <<
- additive_expression
- multiplicative_expression
| additive_expression additive_operator multiplicative_expression - additive_operator
- -
- multiplicative_expression
- unary_expr
| multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator unary_expr - multiplicative_operator
- *
| /
| %
| within - exprs
- expr
| exprs , expr - expr
- binary_expr
- expr_opt
- [ expr ]
- opt_index
- [ Index ( id ) ]
- opt_prev
- [ prev ( id ) ]
- constraint_for_each_expr
- for each itemname_opt in gen_item do_opt { constraint_list }
| for each itemname_opt using opt_index opt_prev in gen_item do_opt { constraint_list } - gen_item_list
- gen_item
| gen_item_list , gen_item
| >>
| + - gen_item
- primitive_expr
- constraint_list
- [ constraints last_semi_opt ]
- constraints
- constraint_expr
| constraints ; constraint_expr - verilog_literal
- time_unit
- hr
| min
| sec
| ms
| us
| ns
| ps
| fs - text_expansion_exp
- text begin text_list text end
- text_list
- ( expr )
| text_list ( expr )
| text_list STRING_LITERAL - options_opt
- [ using options ]
- options
- option
| options , option - option
- id
| id = expr
| when = expr
| range_option - range_option
- ranges = { cover_ranges last_semi_opt }
- cover_ranges
- cover_range
| cover_ranges ; cover_range - cover_range
- range ( [ ranges ] optional_range_param )
| range ( id optional_range_param ) - optional_range_param
- [ , exprs ]
- literal
| MIN_INT - id
- id
See also
- Sigasi Studio Graphics Configuration Grammar (legacy)
- Register Description Language SystemRDL 2.0 (blog post)
- Portable Test and Stimulus Standard Version 1.0 (blog post)
- VHDL IEEE 1076-2017 Grammar (blog post)
- Property Specification Language (PSL) Grammar (blog post)