
At Sigasi, we highly value our users and want to support them as much as we can. This includes folks working in older versions of our products. We get that sometimes an update isn’t convenient until a project ends or for any other reason (though we highly recommend you update as soon as you can!). As such, we’ve kept our support archive for you, right here.

Here’s where you can find all kinds of information on how best to use some of the older versions and features of Sigasi products, including Sigasi Studio. As we continue to improve and update our portfolio, we may move more articles here, so don’t be surprised if you sometimes see changes.

Are you looking to download the stand-alone version of Sigasi Visual HDL in Eclipse or do you want to install SVH into your Eclipse as a plug-in? We’ve got you covered. Fill in the form below and you’ll receive the version you’ve requested in your inbox.

The legacy product manual for Sigasi Visual HDL in Eclipse can be found here.

Legacy tech articles can be found here.

The legacy FAQ section can be found here.

As always, if you have specific questions, feel free to contact us.

Download Sigasi Visual HDL in Eclipse

Enter your information to receive the links to download SVH in Eclipse. Please use your institutional email. You can always email sales directly at sales@sigasi.com.

Why VS Code?

We are phasing out our Eclipse offerings in favor of Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for numerous reasons.

First and foremost, VS Code is the clear future of IDE technology. Each year, for example, it garners a clear majority as respondents’ preferred IDE in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey .

The reasons VS Code is the preferred IDE (by far) are the very reasons we want to fully integrate our Sigasi Visual HDL (SVH) platform into it:

  • VS Code has a rich marketplace of productivity tools, including sophisticated applications to easily use git and GitHub Source Control Management, as well as a selection of utilities to facilitate mundane tasks like extracting TODO comments or bookmarking important sections in HDL code. It also has plenty of out-of-the-box support for a wide variety of languages.
  • VS Code offers great stability and project governance, including better support for bigger projects, improving user experience and reducing crashes. It has a light memory footprint and remarkably fast performance, including an efficient startup time.
  • User experience in VS Code also benefits from a clean, modern, and intuitive interface with a responsive GUI. It also has a fully functional integrated terminal, making command line use all the easier.
  • VS Code also allows for easier generative AI integration. Indeed, the SVH 2024.1 extension introduced SAL, Sigasi’s AI Layer, which can let users generate, check, and explain HDL code without having to navigate out of their Sigasi project.

When we call SVH an “HDL platform,” what we mean is that it’s the place where chip designers and verification engineers can shift their hardware design language (HDL) specifications and register transfer language (RTL) projects to the left. Integrating with VS Code augments our offerings as a platform that gives users better insight into the design process.

At the end of the day, focusing on a single platform also means that we can improve our development process. Our team can dedicate more strength and speed to upgrades with undivided attention.

What’s the Timeline?

SVH in Eclipse will continue to receive minor updates (no new features) through the end of 2024, after which time it will be put into maintenance mode until the end of 2026. Its end-of-life will come in 2027.